Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Friendship Week

Friendship week

A friend is someone you know. How close you are to that friend is determined by how much of each other you share.

It takes chance interaction and expression/discussion common experience or interest to be a friend and it needs to be reciprocal.

It takes some giving of spare time, sharing of interests and hobbies and sharing of resources to be a good friend and it needs to be reciprocal.

It takes deliberate giving of your precious time and giving generously of your resources and sharing your hopes and dreams to be a close friend and it needs to be reciprocal.

It takes sacrificial giving of your own time as theirs, giving of resources even sometimes above your own needs, sharing of your most intimate thoughts and feelings, and forgiving to be an intimate friend and it needs to be reciprocal.

In order to have friends, you have to be a friend….and how many friends you have and how close you are to those friends is directly related to how much you are prepared to give.

Friendship week is a great time to reflect on your ability and willingness to give.