Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bayberry Christmas Candle Centerpieces

Bayberry Christmas Candle Centerpieces

Real bayberry wax comes from a shrub or tree also known as myrtle, waxberry or candleberry. The berries when boiled in water produce myrtle wax. It is quite a lengthy process. The mrytle wax is used in making bayberry candles, which are memorably fragrant, more brittle than beeswax candles and are almost smokeless. It takes lots of berries to make the wax - about 4 pounds of berries for 1 pound of wax.

Bayberry candles were used in American Colonial times when tallow (which was used to make candles) was too expensive and hard to get. It was also a very messy and at times pungent job.

Today some people use them because of the history and tradition. Some believe they bring good luck when burnt on Christmas eve all the way to the bottom of the candle. Others use them because they love the delightful, crisp, natural scent of the bayberry. Bayberry candles are sometimes hard to find and they are more expensive than other candles. Most "bayberry candles" on the market are other waxes with artificial bayberry fragrance added. Bayberry wax has a greenish color and its own natural scent. There is nothing like real bayberry candle if you can get them. You will want to make it a family tradition once you try these candles.

Here are a few bayberry candle centerpieces melding traditional and contemporary themes. They are easy for you to make and look really professional. Click on the product names or images below for more details or to purchase these items.

Bayberry Candle Christmas Table Centerpiece

79351 - 8" x 8" Wide Glass Vase and Candle Holder 41973 - Delightful Hollyberry Collection 6" Candle Ring
Bayberry Candle Centerpiece Using a Wide Bowl Cylinder Wide Glass Bowl to make a Christmas Centerpiece Hollyberry Candle Ring to Make Christmas Table Centerpieces
1. Place the Wide Glass Bowl inside the Hollyberry candle ring 00335 - Decorative Red Crushed Glass 58027 - 10" Bayberry Taper Candles

2. Tip 3 bottles of red crushed glass into the bowl to act as a stabilizer for the bayberry candles.

3. Stand three bayberry candles in the crushed glass. Easy! Beautful!

Red Crushed Glass to Make Table Centerpieces Bayberry Candles to Make a Christmas Centerpiece

Blend Traditional with Contemporary with this Bayberry Table Centerpiece

00334 - Decorative Beige Crushed Glass 41973 - Delightful Hollyberry Collection 6" Candle Ring 78571 - Glass Cylinder Vase 3.5"x6" High
Bayberry Taper Candle Table Centerpiece Beige Crushed Glass to Make Table Centerpieces Hollyberry Candle Ring to Make Holiday Table Centerpieces Cylinder Vase Candle Holder to Make a Table Centerpiece
1. This centerpiece uses a vintage vase not sold on this site. Find one in your cupboard or check out your local good will or antique store. The opening of your vintage vase needs to be about 4". 58027 - 10" Bayberry Taper Candles 41974 - Delightful Hollyberry Collection 4" Candle Ring

2. Place your vintage vase inside the 6" candle ring.

3. Tip one or two bottles of crushed glass into your vintage vase to act as a stabilizer for the cylinder vase and to give sparkle.

4. Place the cylinder in the crushed glass pushing down into the crushed glass til sitting securely. Tip some more crushed glass around if neccesary.

5. Slip the 2nd candle ring over the cylinder and sit on top of the vintage vase as shown.

6. Tip a bottle of crushed glass inside the cylinder vase candleholder.

7. Stand the bayberry candles in the crushed glass, pushing them down til standing secure.

Bayberry Candles to Make a Christmas Centerpiece Hollyberry Candle Ring to Make Holiday Table Centerpieces

Make A Sparkling Bling Christmas Candle Centerpiece

00160 - Round Scalloped Mirror 20cm aprox. 7.85
79151 - Wide Rimed 4.75" Glass Taper Holder
94220 - Acrylic Dangle Bobeche - no. 6
Delicate Bayberry Candle Centerpiece with Bling! Decorative Mirror to Make Christmas Table Centerpieces Pedestal Taper Candle Holder for Candle Centerpieces Dangle Bobeche for Classy Christmas Table Centerpieces

1. Stand the Glass Taper holder on the decorative mirror base.

58027 - 10" Bayberry Taper Candles 00339 - Decorative Crushed Glass Mirror

2. Place the Dangle Bobeche on the glass taper holder as shown.

3. Put a bayberry candle in the taper holder pushing down carefully to secure it in position.

4.Tip some decorative crushed glass into the top of the taper holder to create some more sparkle.

Bayberry Candles to Make a Christmas Centerpiece Decorative Crushed Mirror for Sparkling Candle Table Centerpieces

Friday, September 25, 2009

Flameless Candle Decor

Flameless Candle Decor Fragrance Candles Centerpieces

There are a few ways to achieve a scented candle centerpiece. This is because there are different types of candles and various fragrancing options. Flameless candles can be LED battery operated, electric candles or wickless candles that are warmed with an electric or battery operated candle warmer.

Here is a range of flameless candles called "Warming Scents" able to be used in everyday, Spring, Thanksgiving or Christmas Centerpieces fabulous for a foyer, mantlepiece or side table.

Warming ScentsTM is a fabulous flameless fragrance specifically designed to be used with electric warmers. Unlike traditional jar candles they require no flame and instantly release their fragrance into your home. Warming scentsTM come a wide variety of fragrances and colors and last twice as long as ordinary jar candles.

And now for some great ideas on using these flameless candle scents in fabulous mantlepiece or table centerpieces.

Firstly here are a couple of Cute Snowman Scented Flameless Candle Centerpieces. These gorgeous pieces are great on the own or used as a much larger more elaborate display as seen further down. The first uses a red Cinnamon apple flameless candle and the second uses a green Northwoods scented flameless candle.
We have many different designs other than the snowman.

Snowman Scented Flameless Candle Christmas Centerpieces 94453S - Warming Accents Home Fashion 13 - Complete 82008 - Warming Scents 22oz Jar - Cinnamon Apple
Snowman Flameless Candle Scented Christmas Table Centerpiece Snowman Flameless Candle Scented Christmas Table Centerpiece warming scents flameless candle centerpiece

94453S - Warming Accents Home Fashion 13 - Complete 82011 - Warming Scents Jar - Northwoods
Snowman Flameless Scented Candle Centerpiece Snowman Flameless Candle Scented Christmas Table Centerpiece warming scents flameless candle centerpiece

Now for a couple of much more elaborate Flameless Candle Scents Christmas Centerpieces. This Beautiful Christmas centerpiece in neutral tones has one of the most popular flameless candle scents. It would look fabulous on a side table, in a foyer or two of them on either side of your mantlepiece.

Angel Flameless Candle Scents Christmas Centerpieces with Vanilla Bean Candle Scents
79225 - 11.75" X 7" Straight Sided Glass Vase 94399 - 3" x 5" LED Battery Operated Ivory Pillar Candle 00369 - Natural Twisted Leaves 6.5 oz Bag
angel flameless candle scented candle table centerpiece Large Cylinder to make a Table Centerpiece White Flameless Candle to Make a Table Centerpiece Natural Twisted Leaves To Make Christmas Table Centerpieces
1. Place the Ivory LED Candle inside the Straight sided Cylinder Glass Vase. 00350 - White Cap Flowers 79357 - 11" Flat Glass Plate/Base for Garden Cloche 94445S - Warming Accents Home Fashion 8 - Complete

2. Tip a mixture of natural twisted Leaves and white cap flowers into the cylinder vase hiding the LED Pillar Candle from view. The lit candle glows beautifully through the leaves and cap flowers.

3. Place the clear glass plate on top of the cylinder.

White Cap Flowers to Make Christmas Table Centerpieces Glass Plate to Make a Christmas Table Centerpiece Angel decor for Flameless Candle Scented Christmas Table Centerpiece
4. Place the angel warming accents decor set base on top of the glass plate 82005 - Warming Scents 22oz Jar - Vanilla Bean 29215 - 6' Metal Star Garland

5. Place the vanilla bean flameless candle scent inside the base replacing the turbo fan and angel top.

6. Cut the Metal Star Garland in half. Twist it into 2 wreaths. Place one at the base of the Angel Decor and one at the base of the cylinder.

Vanilla Bean Flameless Candle to Make Christmas Table Centerpieces Metal Star Garland To Make Table Centerpieces for Christmas

Shimmering Gold and Copper Scented Candle Table Centerpiece

94323 - Round Bamboo Trays set of 2 79356 - 8.5" Flat Glass Plate/Base for Garden Cloche 41931 - 6" Shimmering Gold and Copper Holly Ring
Gold and Copper Flameless Candle Centerpiece Scented Bamboo Trays to make table centerpieces flat glass plate for making table centerpieces Gold and copper candle ring

1. Turn the bamboo tray upside down.

2. Place the glass plate on top of bamboo tray

94479S - Warming Accents Lamp Shade and Base 5 - Complete 82001 - Warming Scents 22oz Jar - Gingerbread

3. Place the gold and copper candle ring on the glass plate

4. Site the lamp shade base inside the candle ring.

5. Place the warming accents flamelss candle jar inside the base.

6. Put the lampshade on top the candle jar

Brown warming accents lamp shade and base to make scented table centerpieces Gingerbread warming flameless candle scents to make scented table centerpieces

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mini Christmas Tree Christmas Centerpieces

Mini Christmas Tree Christmas Centerpieces

Miniature Christmas trees are just fabulous in Christmas centerpieces. Here is a few ideas using mini Christmas trees for great Christmas table centerpieces or entry and Christmas foyer displays.

You can even create a centerpiece that looks like or resembles a Christmas tree made from other items. Check out these ideas! You might find something in your cupboard to make a similar thing. If not, most of these items are affordably priced. Click on the images or product names for more details or to purchase the products in these Mini Christmas tree Christmas centerpieces.

Mini Christmas Tree Christmas Centerpiece 42017 - 24" Pencil Pine Tree With Berries and Burlap Base 78826 - Hand Blown Glass Hurricane Vase 12" 00312 - Jackie Berries - 4oz Bag
Make Christmas Centerpieces with Mini Christmas Trees Mini Christmas Tree to Make Christmas Centerpieces Hurricane vase to make a Christmas Table Centerpiece Jackie Berries Decorative Accents to Make Christmas Centerpieces

1. Add the Jackie berries to the hurricane vase. Press to make solid base

2. Add the frosted Birch cones as a contrast on top of the Jackie Berries. Press again.

3. Take a 2nd bag of Jackie berries, tip approx 1/3 on top of the birch cones. Press.

00315 - Frosted Birch Cones - 3oz Bag 41973 - Delightful Hollyberry Collection 6" Candle Ring 41974 - Delightful Hollyberry Collection 4" Candle Ring

4. Remove the burlap from the base of the mini Christmas tree.

5. Holding lower layers of tree branches up, place the mini Christmas tree inside the hurricane vase on top of the last layer of Jackie berries. Take care not to scratch the vase.

6. Pour remaining jackie berries on top of the base. (You may need a third bag). Press.

7. Open up and separate the mini Christmas tree branches.

8. Place the vase inside the 6 inch hollyberry ring. Make 1 cut in the 4 inch hollyberry ring to allow you to place it like a bracelet around the neck of the hurricane vase.

Frosted Birch Cones for Making Christmas Centerpieces Holly Berry Candle Ring to Make Christmas Centerpieces

Hollyberry Candle Ring for Christmas Table Centerpieces

Miniature Christmas Tree Dome Cloche Christmas Centerpieces 00214 - 3" Natural Wire Balls 00315 - Frosted Birch Cones - 3oz Bag 42018 - 12" Pencil Tree With Wood Base
Use a Mini Christmas Tree in a Dome Cloche Christmas Centerpiece Wire ball for Table Centerpieces Frosted Birch Cones for Table Centerpieces Make Christmas Centerpieces with Mini Christmas Trees
1. Pull the wire ball apart in one opening enough to pour in the birch cones 79139 - Large 15" x 9" Glass Dome 79357 - Flat Glass Plate for Garden Cloche

2. Unscrew the base off the miniature Christmas tree.

3. Poke the stem of the mini Christmas tree through the wire ball and out the other side. Screw the base back on on.

4. Place the tree inside the Dome Cloche and the Cloche on the base.

Dome Cloche to Make a Table Centerpieces Dome Cloche Base to Make a Table Centerpieces

Christmas Table Centerpiece with a Dome Cloche

79139 - Large 15" x 9" Glass Dome 42059 - 1" Pineand Red Berry With Coil Accent Ring 42015 - Mini 6" Pine Tree With Burlap Base
Pine berry ring to make table centerpieces Mini Christmas tree to make table centerpieces for Christmas
1. Pull the moss ball apart and poke in to the hole at the top of the candleholder (or you could use styrofoam) 10866 - 7" - Tall White Wooden Taper Holder 41974 - Delightful Hollyberry Collection 4" Candle Ring 00170 - Oval Scalloped Mirror 30cm aprox. 11.8"

2. Place 2 pine, berry and coil rings together and fasten them together by twing the leaves. Place them on top of the candleholder.

3. Separate the burlap base from the Mini Pine Tree.

white pillar candle holder Berry candle ring to make a christmas table centerpiece Scallopped decorative mirror to make a table centerpiece
4. Poke the tree though the candle rings and secure into the moss 00238- 2.5" Moss ball

5.Place the pillar Hollyberry Candle ring around the base of the pillar candle and place the pillar candle on the scalloped mirror.

6. Lift the dome cloche carefully and place over the whole centerpiece.

Moss ball 2.5 inch Decorative accent to make table centerpieces