Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Birthday Reflections and Future Directions

Another of my daughters is having her birthday. I wondered how much different are our desires as we get older. How different is it to have a birthday when you are twenty nine than it is when you are nine. I asked her. What would make your birthday a great birthday?

Her sweet response :-
To do a fun outdoor activity
To have yummy things to eat
To be pampered with love and smiles
To be with friends and family
To have some time alone for reflection and dreaming of the future
To start recording my journey

Have a read of my blogs about my nine year old's birthday wishes. When you really look at it closely, there are heaps of similarities. Whether you are nine or twenty nine there are still some things that remain common….A desire for fun, food, family, friends.

What changes as we get older is our desire for meaning and purpose in our life. It is important that we seek out our reason for being. Knowing our reason for being gives meaning to our life. Once this is discovered it affects our future decisions.

Reflection on our journey so far helps refine for us what we have enjoyed and what we would sooner do without. It helps us see what we have been good at and what we need to work on, what we have achieved and gained and what we have lost. Reminiscing helps get our talents and motivations in clearer perspective.

Using our talents for meaningful pursuit give light, depth, perspective, color, movement, emotion and fragrance to our life. Just like a beautiful painting.

Learning that my reason for being was to commune with my Heavenly Father and grow to know Him intimately radically changed my perspective on my life. Know Him better day by day and you discover that He is like a candle in the darkness …a gentle light that powerfully overcomes the darkness… the darkness in me and the darkness around. Know Him and you gain an understanding that he desires all of us to know Him and the warmth and light you experience you cannot help but share with those you love and those you encounter.

Reflection can be painful as well as a source of growth and maturity. Our pains and sufferings take on different meaning when you, first, have your real reason for being.

Taking our new found relationship with our Maker and Heavenly Father, the learnings and signposts from our reflections and our talents (now yielded to Him for His purposes), everything is different
- Our Darkness is turned to Light
- Our Confusion is turned to Peace
- Our Loneliness is turned to Comfort
- Our Sadness is turned to Joy
- Our Mourning is turned into dancing
- Our Wanderings are turned to a Straight Path
- His strength is made perfect in our weakness

Find your reason for living and your life will be the most beautiful painting anyone has ever laid eyes on.

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