Monday, July 7, 2008

Green Pillar Candles

Green Pillar Candles
The color green is the most restful color and is often teamed with blues for bathrooms, spas and relaxation areas. A green pillar candle is a perfect decor addition to these areas.

Green is a mix of cool and warm colors and so represents harmony. It also symbolizes peace, freshness, newness, and growth. If you wish to convey a desire for reconciliation or making peace an olive green pillar candle is the obvious choice. It represents peace, life and a new way forward.

Darker greens suggest safety, prosperity, strength and hope which is why they appear often in corporate logos and images, particularly in financial services. A green pillar candle is an excellent choice for a corporate gift.

Green, a symbol of hope and peace is also teamed with red at Christmas.

Green Pillar Candles bring an assurance of fresh hope and peace.

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