Saturday, April 21, 2007

Good Intentions

Well, the intention was to have some fun and relaxation today.

But, I had a call from an aquaintenance in distress. Her aged mom had been hospitalised after her health deteriorated rapidly. She was now facing the prospect of finding a nursing home urgently for her mom.

She was swamped with a myriad of forms and questionaires that were highly confusing, bills to pay and a mob of relatives demanding she not put mom into a nursing home in spite of it being completely impossible for her to care for her. It is so easy for we humans to make judgements about others' decisions that we cannot unless we have walked a mile in their shoes.

Having to care for a close relative with dementia is a very challenging that does not finish when you go to bed...night and day you are at looking out for them. Sooner or later, as the disease progesses you find yourself searching for ways to maintain any sort of connection with them. I am very excited about what we have to offer from our website for carers of those who have lost all short term memory. Keep an eye out...we will be up and running soon!

So, the whole morning was lovingly spent completing forms, finding information and reassuring. The afternoon and evening...more work on the website... Loads to do....never enough time to do it ....but we do our best.... a mighty challenge indeed. It a bit like getting thru the brussels sprouts before you can have dessert!


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