Monday, April 23, 2007


Yesterday we were hit with storms so I did the right thing and unplugged everything... computer included... so no chance of writing yesterday.

What a great time to think about candles! Every household should have a supply of candles and lamps for blackouts. And most of us forget about checking the candle supplies regularly.... and more importantly the lighter or matches... it is too late during the blackout to discover you are really in the dark.

So, go on...go check your candle you have enough candles to last a week of blackout? Are your candles clean burning and long lasting? The last thing you want to make the inconvenience turn to discomfort is candles smoking and putting soot up the walls or all over your candleholder. Not good for the lungs either. It is really worth the effort to purchase good quality the end they are cheaper. Do you have enough candles or a reflective candleholder in at least one area to be able to read? Have you tried them out during normal times? Do you have safe candleholders so you dont accidently set fire to the house? And do you have a clean safe place to put a candle in all rooms of the house? Some pre planning can make all the difference.

The other thing most people forget is "what are we going to do while the blackout is on?" If your family are big TV watchers a blackout can be a very tense time.... but think ahead...think of some family games you can play..... have some bubble bath on hand... a bubble bath by candlelight is wonderfully relaxing.... if you are a musical lot...get out the instruments and have a singalong.... get a joke book...have everyone compose limericks.....tell stories.... try painting with irredescent paint by candelight for a whole new perspective....what ever you and yours are interested in, you can think of some new never know, everyone might want a staged blackout now and then to reapture the fun time....Do you have any ideas? Post your comments. We'd love to hear them.

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